I'm going to start by saying that the Body Positive trend is more bad than good, but I do want to acknowledge a few things about it that are actually positive.

Good things about the Body Positive trend:
1) It encourages self-love to those who are overweight. We cannot live a positive life if we do not value ourselves as we are in this very moment.
2) Early on, it recognized that starvation diets, anorexia, bulimia, and products that promise rapid weight loss are extremely unhealthy -- both physically and mentally. It was right about that!
3) It encouraged companies that make fitness gear to make larger sizes. All bodies need to move -- and of course, all bodies need clothes for moving. Cute ones too!
**This worked out really well for those companies too because they tapped into a market they had previously overlooked.**

Dangerous things about the Body Positive movement.
1) "Healthy at any size" is a dangerous myth. A human body cannot be obese without damaging health. We encourage people suffering from anorexia to get the help they need. Why not encourage those who are overweight and obese to do the same?
Personal development can help. Nutrition education can help. Therapy can help. Doctors can help. There are endless resources and starting points.
Telling a person on a self-destructive path that they don't need to change paths does not serve them at all. The "Body Positive" movement does this constantly.
2) Gut health and brain health are now known to be inextricably linked. You've heard "the gut is the second brain" before, right? Well, your mental health is affected by what you put in your mouth.
Is your diet full of artificial sweeteners? Sugars? Food with more than 5 ingredients on the box? Food with weird numbers and foot-long chemistry terms in the ingredients list? Food with an expiration date that is after your grandchildren reach retirement?
If so, you are aggravating (or even causing) anxiety, depression, sleep struggles, focus and concentration struggles, more rapid brain aging, the list goes on.
3) The part of the so called "Body Positive" movement that drives me the craziest is that it vilifies those who are lean, those who like to workout, and those who try to eat healthy foods. It vilifies healthy lifestyles.
4) It teaches that dependence on multiple, long-term prescriptions is part of a healthy life. It is not. However, if you fill your body with addictive chemicals from processed foods, drinks, and other toxins, eventually it will struggle to stay healthy and you won't be able to avoid meds that hide one problem and cause others.
Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that we live in a world where you can take a pill when you need it -- however, suggesting that a healthy body requires 2 or more chronic prescriptions to survive is just lying about what good health is.
((See the linked article from WebMD says that the average American is on 4 prescription meds. That was in 2017. -- Read to the bottom to see 12 different conditions that could be improved by lifestyle. Ask your doctor what lifestyle changes you should make. If he/she doesn't know, find a doctor who does. Then, once you know, it is up to you. Make those changes!
Ideally, your body should be able to thrive on the food you feed it, the company you keep, the rest you give yourself, and the glorious privilege of physical movement.
Obviously, if you need prescriptions, take them.
****Do not stop taking pills without a doctor's guidance!!***
Now, let's start a REAL Body Positive Movement:
Things we'll keep:
- Valuing all humans regardless of size or health status. We are all children of God, after all (whether you take that figuratively or literally, you know what I mean.)
- Cute fitness gear that comes in all sizes.
Things we'll add:
- Communities of people who encourage each other to eat veggies, drink water, exercise, and support each other.
- Remember that thin people need love too! (Stop saying mean things about Kate Moss.)
- Activities that boost the mood and immune system -- walks outside in nature, gratitude, laughter, and drink lots of water (it bears repeating).
- Honesty about health.
- Be courageous to start where you are now. You are an inspiration to others already.
The following books help with nutrition and mindset.
If you have a large amount of weight to lose before becoming healthy read Ilana Muhlstein's book, You can Drop It. She will tell you how to do it in a healthy way and keep it off. She lost over 100 pounds and became a nutritionist to help others do the same.
Autumn Calabrese's book, Lose Weight Like Crazy, even if you have a Crazy Life is great for those who like a straight forward, and easy to figure out way to get all of your nutrients, not feel hungry, and still lose weight and tone.
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks is one of my all time favorite personal development books. It isn't about health exclusively, but will help you accomplish anything you want in life. Lots of gems!